Most frequent questions

  • Can I still make changes after my order?

    Please understand that we cannot change or cancel your order at a later date. Please feel free to contact our Customer Service.

  • What is the maximum number of photos I can use in a collage?

    We offer templates from 2 photos to 100 photos.

    Want to use more than 100 photos? Check out the photo mosaic theme.

  • With which template can I use the most photos?

    The templates with 100 images are the most photos you can use at the moment

  • Are my images suitable?

    Click on your inserted image in the template. If your image is suitable, a green smiley will appear.

  • Can I save the collage and edit it later?

    To do this, use the "save" icon (disk) above the template. Enter your email address there and we will send you your current collage as a link. This link is valid for 5 days.

  • Can I add text?

    We offer numerous templates with a text option. For the complete overview, select "with text" under all templates.

    You can also create an individual text as a collage, for example names.

    Direct to Collage as name

Create & order collage

  • Templates
  • Editor
  • Create Together
  • Save
  • Number collages
  • Word & Name Collages
  • What is the maximum number of photos I can use in a collage?

    We offer templates from 2 photos to 100 photos.

    Want to use more than 100 photos? Check out the photo mosaic theme.

  • Can I send a collage as an e-card?

    Yes, this is possible. If you decide to download the collage as a file, you can send it as an e-card as often as you like directly after purchase and print it out at home on your PC.

  • Can I buy my collage as a file?

    Yes, this is possible. After completing the collage, we offer you various file sizes for download

  • What resolution do I need when I buy the file?

    The smallest file resolution (size S) is suitable for use on mobile devices and the PC. For printouts, we recommend the medium size (size M). For large printouts with high resolution, the largest size is best suited (size L).

  • What happens to my transferred images?

    Your transferred images will be saved for up to 10 days in case you want to continue editing your collage. If you do not want your images to be saved, click "Delete all images".

  • What happens to the collage I have created?

    If you do not order your collage, it will be automatically deleted after 10 days. Purchased collages will be stored for 3 months for possible reordering and then deleted as well.

  • Can I order several collages together?

    Yes, this is possible. Just click on "Create another collage" below the shopping cart.

General questions

  • Order & Technical Questions
  • File Download
  • Payment
  • Complaint


Add file

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(max. 10 MB)

Postal address
Alexanderstraße 7
10178 Berlin
